@extends('theme.master') @section('title', 'Aumini') @section('content') @include('admin.message') @php $gets = App\Breadcum::first(); @endphp @if(isset($gets)) @if($gets['img'] !== NULL && $gets['img'] !== '') @else @endif {{ __('Alumini') }} @endif @if(isset($alumini)) @if(Auth::User()->user_img != null || Auth::User()->user_img !='') @else @endif {{ Auth::User()->fname }} {{ Auth::User()->lname }} {{ __('My Courses') }} {{ __('My Wishlist') }} {{ __('Purchase History') }} {{ __('User Profile') }} @if(Auth::User()->role == "user") {{ __('Become An Instructor') }} @endif {{ __('My Bank Details') }} {{ __('2 Factor Auth') }} {{ __('Verifaction') }} {{-- @if(Auth::User()->role == "user" && Auth::User()->role == "Admin") --}} {{ __('Alumini') }} {{-- @endif --}} {{ __('You are selected for Alumni. Do you want to describe yourself as alumni so keep the status and update the url...') }} {{ csrf_field() }} {{ method_field('POST') }} {{ __('Please Enter Your Url') }} {{ __('Status') }} status == 1 ? 'checked' : '' }}> {{ __('Update') }} @endif @endsection
{{ __('You are selected for Alumni. Do you want to describe yourself as alumni so keep the status and update the url...') }}